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Divorce Brittany Aberle Divorce Brittany Aberle

No-Fault Divorce: The “Blame Game” in California Divorces

It’s not uncommon for people to get hung up on their spouse’s wrongdoings during divorce proceedings. We get it - divorce and separation is extremely painful, and people do hurtful and even deplorable things to each other. We see cases involving infidelity, financial abuse, domestic violence, and more - deep and harmful betrayal and deception. But do California courts care if your spouse is to blame for the breakdown of your marriage? And why is no-fault divorce a hot topic in the news right now?

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Divorce Brittany Aberle Divorce Brittany Aberle

Money Mistakes Couples Make That Lead to Divorce

According to the National Marriage Project, couples who reported disagreements about finances once per week were over 30% more likely to divorce than couples who reported disagreements about finances less frequently. There are certain common money mistakes couples make that we see repeatedly in our divorce cases. These mistakes and disagreements cause tension in the relationship and can even destroy a marriage.

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Child Custody Brittany Aberle Child Custody Brittany Aberle

How to Co-Parent with a Narcissist - Without Losing Your Mind

Look, we’re not therapists, and we don’t pretend to be. But, co-parenting implicates family law issues, and when the other party exhibits narcissistic behaviors, it makes co-parenting much more difficult. If you don’t do the right things, you could end up inadvertently sabotaging your own case, which is the last thing you want. Here are five tips for co-parenting with a narcissist.

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Prenuptial Agreements Brittany Aberle Prenuptial Agreements Brittany Aberle

The Rise in Popularity of Prenuptial Agreements

Half of U.S. adults say they're open to signing a prenup, according to new data. This is a major jump from years prior. And guess what? Prenups are not only for the rich and famous - in fact, many of our prenup clients are just like you: business owners, doctors, lawyers, tech industry executives, and creatives. So, why is the popularity of prenups rising?

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